The Impact of Video Games on the Economy

We will explore how video games affect the economy and the different ways in which they contribute to its growth.

The Impact of Video Games on the Economy
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Video games have become a ubiquitous form of entertainment, with millions of people playing them on a daily basis. However, what many people do not realize is that video games have a significant impact on the economy. In this article, we will explore how video games affect the economy and the different ways in which they contribute to its growth.

The Video Game Industry's Contribution to the Economy

The video game industry has grown rapidly in recent years and is now one of the most profitable sectors of the entertainment industry. According to a report by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the video game industry contributed $90.3 billion to the US economy in 2019. This includes direct contributions from video game companies as well as indirect contributions from related industries such as technology and retail.
The video game industry includes companies involved in the development, production, and distribution of video games across various platforms such as consoles, PCs, and mobile devices. In addition to these companies, there are also many other businesses that benefit from the industry, such as marketing agencies and merchandise manufacturers.
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Job Creation

One of the most significant ways in which video games contribute to the economy is through job creation. The video game industry employs thousands of people in various roles, including game developers, designers, marketers, and customer support. According to the ESA, the video game industry employs more than 143,000 people in the US alone.
The demand for skilled professionals in the video game industry is growing, and this has led to the creation of many job opportunities. The industry requires individuals with diverse skill sets, including programmers, artists, writers, and musicians. As the industry continues to grow, it is expected to create even more job opportunities in the future.

Increased Consumer Spending

Another way in which video games impact the economy is through increased consumer spending. Video games are a popular form of entertainment, and the money spent on them contributes to the growth of the economy. In 2019, consumers spent $35.4 billion on video games and related products, according to the ESA.
The video game industry has also benefited from the rise of online gaming and digital distribution. Online gaming has enabled gamers to play with each other across the world, and digital distribution has made it easier for people to access and purchase games. This has led to an increase in consumer spending on video games and related products.
The video game industry has also contributed to the growth of related industries such as technology and retail. Video games require advanced technology to run, and as a result, the industry has pushed for the development of new and innovative technology. This has led to the growth of the technology industry, with companies developing new hardware and software to support video games.
The video game industry has also had a significant impact on the retail industry. Video games are sold in retail stores, which has led to the growth of the retail industry. Retailers such as GameStop and Best Buy have dedicated sections for video games, and the sale of video games contributes significantly to their revenue.
In addition to technology and retail, the video game industry has also contributed to the growth of other industries such as music and film. Many video games feature original music and voice acting, which has led to the growth of the music and acting industries. Some popular video games have also been adapted into films, which has led to the growth of the film industry.

Social and Cultural Impact

In addition to its economic impact, the video game industry has also had a significant social and cultural impact. Video games have become a popular form of social interaction, and many people bond over shared gaming experiences. Online gaming has also enabled people to connect with others across the world, breaking down cultural barriers and promoting diversity.
Video games have also been used as a tool for education and social change. Many educational institutions and non-profit organizations have used video games to teach students about subjects such as history, science, and social issues. Video games have also been used to raise awareness about social issues such as poverty, hunger, and environmental conservation.


In conclusion, video games have a significant impact on the economy, as well as on society and culture. The video game industry contributes billions of dollars to the economy each year, and it employs thousands of people in various roles. Video games also contribute to increased consumer spending and the growth of related industries such as technology and retail.
The social and cultural impact of video games is also significant, as they have become a popular form of social interaction and have been used to promote diversity and social change. As the video game industry continues to grow and evolve, its impact on the economy and society will only become more significant.

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Written by

Jonathan Shroyer
Jonathan Shroyer

Chief CX Officer at Arise Gaming